Friday, October 30, 2009

HWA and Christ's Return by 2005

Sometimes I comment that HWA predicted that Jesus Christ would return by 2005. This refers to what HWA wrote in Mystery of the Ages, Chapter 7, which first came to my attention from Kelly Marshal's excellent critical review of Mystery of the Ages, Chapter 7.

In the section entitled 'A False Prophet at Work-When Will This Kingdom Be Established?' it is shown that HWA taught in Mystery of the Ages, Chapter 7, that Christ would return very soon. Kelly Marshal cites these words from that chapter: "during the next few years...IN OUR TIME...We are now very near the END of this world!"

HWA predicted Christ to return within the next two decades from 1985, therefore I often say that HWA predicted Christ to return by 2005. On my blog I have placed a permanent link to a quote at another ESN article that clearly show how HWA proclaimed that Christ would return by 2005.
And, secondly, to reveal--preserved in writing for us TODAY--what is to happen "in the latter days"--actually within the next two decades-- THIS LAST HALF OF THE TWENTIETH CENTURY! (Under the heading 'Daniel Knew!')
It is to this statement I refer to whenever I say HWA predicted Christ to return by 2005. The way it is phrased here Christ must return no later than 2005. Twenty years ("within the next two decades"--2005) is the upper limit. He gives the strong impression here that, if anything, Christ will return sooner than 2005.

You can find that quote in Chapter 7, under the heading 'Daniel Knew!'

Here is the relevant paragraph from MOA as preserved on Pabco's Home Page, an unofficial Armstrongite website affiliated with David Hulme's sect which may be seen here. (Update 12.11.13: The link is now updated to another COG archive website.)
The whole purpose of the DREAM was to reveal GOD'S GOVERNMENT- the fact that God RULES--the truth of THE KINGDOM OF GOD--the very thing that is the one and only true GOSPEL OF JESUS CHRIST! And, secondly, to reveal--preserved in writing for us TODAY--what is to happen "in the latter days"--actually within the next two decades-- THIS LAST HALF OF THE TWENTIETH CENTURY!
However the current copyright holders of MOA, PCG have altered this paragraph to read as fellows, as may be seen here
The whole purpose of this DREAM was to reveal GOD'S GOVERNMENT—the fact that God RULES—the truth of THE KINGDOM OF GOD—the very thing that is the one and only true GOSPEL OF JESUS CHRIST! And, secondly, to reveal—preserved in writing for us TODAY—what is to happen “in the latter days.”
They have removed the embarrassing date setting ("--actually within the next two decades-- THIS LAST HALF OF THE TWENTIETH CENTURY!") found in the original version of that paragraph.


  1. Actually a prophecy for 2000. The "last half of the twentieth century" ended on December 31, 2000.

  2. Awesome, RF. Wonderful things. Wonderful work.

  3. Mike's comment is along the lines of what I was thinking while I read your post. 12-31-1999, or depending on how you look at it because of the "no year zero" thing 12-31-2000, should have been the end. I think HWA's final prediction is disproved on January 1.

    However -- when I think about how the mindset of the truly faithful operates, any possible loophole is more than enough to prove out their predetermined conclusion. So, to be on the safe side, I agree with RedFox that there is the outside chance it could be 2005. Better to set the bar at the outermost limit.

    Now what they will have to fall back on is "HWA never claimed to be a prophet." And round and round we'll go on that.

  4. I just reviewed my copy of MOA (original, handed out at the '85 Feast).

    Sure enough, that line about "the next two decades" is there. But in my well-marked book, for some reason I never underlined that part.

    It's a detail I missed -- but it's now clear I didn't miss much.

  5. I also missed that detail when I read Mystery of the Ages online. I looked at it again and saw that very line.

  6. If one only realized how temporary life is, would one waste it away on vanity?
