In late September 2020 the PCG leadership, those pawns of the Republican Party, released the November-December 2020 issue of their recruitment magazine seeking more tithes paying converts for their organization. This was published before the election.
Let's see what they have to say this time.
The editors of this issue are Gerald Flurry, Stephen Flurry, Joel Hilliker, Brad Macdonald, Richard Palmer, Jeremiah Jacques, Dennis Leap and Philip Nice.
This issue has a circulation of 245,857 issues.
Gerald Flurry has an article saying that a new government will soon be created on the Earth.
Stephen Flurry has an article saying society need new leaders.
Joel Hilliker has an article about how wonderful the cities will be after (PCG's bizarre interpretation of) Jesus Christ returns to rule over the world.
Stephen Flurry has an article about the economy.
The Infographic tells the reader that the world needs a one world government under PCG's interpretation of Jesus Christ.
Gerald Flurry has an article once again vilifying President Obama even though he has not been president since January 20, 2017.
Back in early 2013 Gerald Flurry released a booklet entitled America Under Attack. In it Flurry hysterically compared President Obama to Antiochus Epiphanies, the Syrian king who placed an idol in the Jewish temple in Jerusalem and persecuted Jews so severely he provoked an armed revolt. Flurry also compared Obama to Joseph Tkach who implemented the changes which turned WCG into essentially an evangelical Protestant church. Flurry current articles denouncing Obama might be motivated by an attempt to reinforce this negative stance against Obama among his followers.
Richard Palmer has an article scare mongering about the European Union's role in your life even though most PCG members live in the United States and so therefore did not live under EU rule.
Joel Hilliker has an article telling his readers that they need to accept correction from (PCG's heretical interpretation of the Christian) God.
The letters section contains this letter from a reader in South Africa. In this letter the coronavirus is inaccurately referred to as "the Wuhan virus," a name which stigmatize the people of Wuhan and people of Asian descent.
I read this article and it was not wasted time! ... Thank you for this wonderful insight into crumbling America. It's odd that these kinds of stories don't make world news. All the media giants cover is the Wuhan virus, President Trump removing TikTok, and other rubbish. Thank you for not giving "fake news"!
There is also a letter from a reader in California who states a wish to donate to the organization which produces the magazine.
I have never seen anything like the Philadelphia Trumpet! I don't agree with everything written, but I really love the magazine. I would like to see an option either on the website or on the renewal notice for ways to donate.
The editors of PCG's recruitment magazine happily reply:
So glad you are enjoying the magazine. You are welcome to visit [a PCG link with the word "donate" in its URL address.]
That is how PCG got an income of about $19.5 million back in 2012. That is how PCG get enough money to buy a private airplane for their leader.
Brad Macdonald has an article telling his readers to view the tragic events in Kenosha, Wisconsin in religious terms that happens to promote the PCG leadership's views regarding what they insist will soon occur in the near future that PCG has been anticipating for thirty years and counting.
And so we see that the PCG leadership continues to try to get more converts and maintain the loyalty of their followers. However there is no need to follow give heed to these people. They do not know the future. They have made many predictions that have not been fulfilled. There is no need to live in fear of their dire predictions.