Thursday, January 21, 2021

PCG's Prophecy Fails: Biden Becomes President

After Biden was declared the winner of the 2020 presidential election PCG's leader, Gerald Flurry proclaimed that nevertheless Donald Trump would remain President since his Armstrongite interpretation of Bible prophecy required Trump to remain as President. The leaders of PCG under him dutifully repeated Flurry's message.

But on January 20, 2021 Joe Biden succeeded Trump and was sworn in as President of the United States of America. Flurry's prediction failed. Clearly Gerald Flurry cannot predict the future. 

There is no need to live in fear of their dire predictions of the future. Since Flurry was wrong about Trump remaining as President why should anyone believe his prediction that America will soon be conquered by a bunch of angry Germany? Why should anyone believe that he can lead his followers to some place of safety? There is no need for a Christian to join his organization or pay tithes and offerings to his organization. There is no need to live in fear of his dire predictions.

Instead I wish to encourage everyone to avoid COVID-19 by limiting social activity, practice social distancing, wear face masks when interacting with people outside of your household, wash your hands for twenty seconds, avoid touching your face, work from home if possible, etc. With proper precautions this disease will be defeated.

1 comment:

  1. Flurry has been so wrong so many times that I haven't even been able to name all the foolish declarations from PCG headquarters on my blog -

    The strange part is that the membership stopped 'proving all things' when they became members, so Gerald could say anything, and the members would still applaud whatever comes out of their guru. As long as you say something Herbie could have said too, anything is possible...
