Friday, October 12, 2018

PCG Condemns Dehumanization; Calls Democratic Party "the Party of Violence and Hate"

You can't make this stuff up. On October 8 PCG's radio station broadcast an episode of The Trumpet Daily decrying a culture of dehumanization in American politics.
For many Americans, any person with opposing political or ideological views isn’t merely incorrect or mistaken—he is inherently evil and dangerous, and must be destroyed. In today’s program, guest presenter Brad Macdonald considers the growing proclivity in America to dehumanize the enemy and the nation’s descent to full-scale civil conflict. (October 8, 2018.)
But it appears that in the eyes of PCG's 1% this is a problem that mainly affects only one side of the political divide. Just a few days later another episode of this broadcast denounced the Democratic Party. The broadcast was entitled "The Party of Violence and Hate."
The Democratic Party is bent on bringing down President Donald Trump, but at what cost to the nation? Antifa-style tactics like harassment, intimidation and even violence are now encouraged by leading Democrats. Hillary Clinton, who was almost president of the United States, recently said that civility will only return when the Democratic Party regains power. Why is the left inciting hatred and violence? Bible prophecy reveals what is causing this and where it is leading. (October 11, 2018.)
PCG's writers sometimes like to imply that the organization is not political since their followers are taught not to vote. Nevertheless the political opinions of PCG's 1% is very much aligned with the political right.


  1. What does PCG stand for? I do agree with you that all COG factions are hypocritical by declaring that their organizations do remain apolitical. Nonetheless, all of their political opinions is very much aligned with republicans.

  2. Well, it's a funny thing. It used to be that intelligent voters voted for the best candidate, regardless of party affiliation. The ACOGs taught that as ambassadors for Jesus Christ, we were not to take part in the politics of this world. But then they muddied up the waters by not so subtly implying that the best candidate was always the Republican one. A Republican president meant that God was slowing down prophecy and giving us more time to do the work. A Democrat meant that things were going to hell in a handbasket real soon, so get your Petra-pack ready! HWA, back in the day, didn't have a problem with Watergate. In his mind, the end justified the means. He even commented that had he been Nixon, he would have burned the White House tapes.

    Strange, very bizarre mixed message.

