Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Cheerleading for Trump and Barr: Overview of the August 2019 Issue of PCG's Philadelphia Trumpet

Let's take a look at the August 2019 issue of PCG's recruitment magazine, The Philadelphia Trumpet.

The editors of this issue are Gerald Flurry, Stephen Flurry, Joel Hilliker, Brad Macdonald, Richard Palmer, Jeremiah Jacques, Dennis Leap and Phillip Nice.

This issue had a circulation of 252,593 issues.

Gerald Flurry has an article denouncing the Mueller investigation which he views as attempts to remove President Trump from office and praising William Barr for writing a memo condemning the Mueller investigation. Flurry even believes that "God's hand" was in Barr's memo.
Barr loves the Constitution and understands it as few men do. During his confirmation hearing, he said he reveres the law. It has been a long time since America has had someone like this in the Department of Justice. It is refreshing to have someone praise and uphold the law at a time like this! This should be uncontroversial—but in a way, it has challenged the whole government structure in Washington! 
Barr is very concerned about what Obama-era officials did to Donald Trump. He sees that something terribly wrong has been going on. He wants to understand why government officials were spying on an incoming president. He wants to know why the DOJ withheld information from the president regarding what the Russians were doing and regarding its investigation of him. Mr. Barr chose ... a prosecutor ... to look into the origin of the Russian investigation. That has a lot of people on the Democratic side nervous, as it should! When you begin to apply the law, as Barr is, lawbreakers get nervous. 
On June 8, 2018, William Barr sent a 19-page memo to Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein that stunned the Mueller team. It is a masterpiece about American law. And I believe God’s hand was in it. (pp. 4-5.)
And Flurry seems to see a lot of significance in Barr using the word "divine" at one point in this memo.
[Flurry quotes Barr:] “To establish guilt, all that remains is evaluation of the president’s state of mind to DIVINE whether he acted with a ‘corrupt’ motive.” ... These men think they can “divine” whether Trump acted with a corrupt motive. That is a well-chosen word William Barr used, and it really is appropriate for what they are doing. It means “to prophesy, to guess, to find out by intuition.” ... 
Another definition of divine, as an adjective, is, “of, like, or from God or a god.” That too is appropriate, because these men are acting as if they are God! Do you really want to be ruled by someone who thinks he can sit there and act like God, telling you that you have a corrupt motive? Do you want these men with corrupt minds judging you? (p. 26.)
It is clear Barr was not talking about God in the memo. Why Flurry wants to bring up another definition of the word "divine" out of context in this article is perplexing and strange.

Brent Nagtegaal has an accompanying side article discussing Jeroboam II as a king who brought about a revival of the northern kingdom of Israel. The PCG leadership often compare President Trump with King Jeroboam II of Israel as fated to bring about a temporary revival of fortune for the United States before the Great Tribulation occurs. They are so happy that a Republican is in the White House.

Brent Nagtegaal has an article speculating if war may erupt with Iran. PCG often scare mongers about Iran in response to Gerald Flurry's dogmatic proclamation in 1994 in which he identified Iran as being the future King of the South. Most other Armstrongite groups tend to assume the King of the South will arise from within the Arab world. And originally HWA taught the King of the South was Ethiopia.

Jorg Mardian has an article discussing chronic inflammation.

Jeremiah Jacques discussing the Apollo 11 mission to the Moon to promote the Armstrongite dogma that after the Millennium and the Great White Throne Judgment all of remaining humanity will by this time be God beings as fully God as God though of a lower rank and they will go throughout the Universe and change all the countless planets into paradise worlds. Maybe they should try to heal the world we live in now that is currently under threat from the ongoing climate change crisis.

Richard Palmer has an article discussing various far right parties in continental Europe.

Andrew Müller has an article insisting that American farmers are about to experience catastrophe on their farms. While many American farmers are clearly suffering because of President Trump's trade war with China it is not a sign that World War III will soon occur.

Gerald Flurry has an article telling his readers that they need to read HWA's last book which was published in 1985. In that book HWA falsely predicted Christ would return by 2005. (PCG has removed that passage in their copies of that book.) HWA condemned interracial marriage while discussing Noah's flood. HWA cited history books out of context to promote his insistence that the "true church" was suppressed for nineteen centuries from AD 53 onward. HWA's book is terribly flawed.

Richard Palmer has an article insisting that a "Nazi underground" continued operating after World War II. Palmer is imitating HWA. During World War II HWA assumed the war would end with Christ's second coming. After this expectation failed and the Allies triumphed over Nazi Germany HWA desperately tried to update this teaching by insisting that the Nazis had simply gone underground and would soon return to power to conquer the United States in World War III. This allowed him to continue scare mongering that a German led European power would soon conquer the United States. In 1953 HWA and Herman Hoeh decided that the Great Tribulation would begin in 1972 with Christ returning in 1975. HWA promoted this idea of a "Nazi underground" in his 1956 booklet, "1975 in Prophecy." This is the original context for HWA's talk of a "Nazi underground."

While it is certainly unfortunately true that some Nazi war criminals escaped accountability before the courts of justice they did not mange to launch a nuclear war against the United States by 1972 as HWA taught. Nevertheless PCG insists on reviving this idea even though so much time has since elapsed since the defeat of the Nazi regime.

WorldWatch discusses that Germany has increased its budget for its military; Germany sending soldiers into Syria; Germany hosting a conference of foreign ministers from Latin America and the Caribbean; Sebastian Kurz losing the chancellorship of Austria; Iran leasing the commercial port in Latakia, Syria; Netanyahu's decision to call for a second election in the State of Israel; Modi's victory in the election in India; North Korea launching more missiles in tests; and Chinese-Japanese relations.

SocietyWatch discusses millennials being poorer then previous generations; bewailing the US debt; bewailing colleges as left wing; and tensions over attempts to restrict abortion.

Joel Hilliker has an article calling upon readers to find "the true church" by studying PCG writings to later be told that PCG's teaching that they are the only "true church" in the entire world. And once a potential recruit is convinced that PCG is the one, true church such a person is also taught to pay three tithes to PCG. This is main source of income for PCG and a major reason why PCG could gain an income of about $19.5 million by 2012.

Brad Macdonald has an article condemning environmentalists by saying that at least some of them are "anti-family" for encouraging people to have fewer or even no children. Grousing about birthrates is not going to do anything to solve the ongoing climate change crisis caused by the excess emission of carbon dioxide, methane and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Hurricanes such as Dorian are now more powerful than they were in the past because climate change has made the oceans warmer. And shamefully the PCG leadership insists to their followers and readers that climate change is not a problem. PCG's 1% are climate change deniers.

While PCG continues to peddle their views and insists that they know what happen in the future in fact PCG has made numerous false prophecies which simply has not occurred thus proving that the PCG leadership does not see the future.

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