Tuesday, February 25, 2020

PCG's Awful Article About Anti-Semitism in France

PCG has recently posted an article discussing a case of a murder of a Jewish women in France in which the killer was judged to be not guilty due to his use of cannabis. Naturally this is a controversial and painful issue. In response PCG has written an article with the following lurid title, "Is It Murder If You Kill a Jew?" (January 27, 2020).

This title is irresponsible. While no fair minded person would even ask such a depraved question it is worth bearing in mind that there are extremists out there who hate Jews. Some of them just might say no to the lurid article title. We should not give them any reason to think their hatred of Jews is somehow justified in any way. It is shocking that anyone in PCG's 1% thought such a title for this article was a good idea.

Later the article states the following:
the hatred for the Jews is coming from ... Satan the devil.
Has this PCG writer thought through the implications of this statement? If Satan is causing some people in France to hate Jews then how can those Anti-Semites be blamed for they did while being supposedly under the influence of Satan? Such reasoning excuses Anti-Semitism and relieves bigots of responsibility for their actions.

Oh, what confusion and luridness Armstrongism has wrought upon the world!

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