Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Hydroxychloroquine is No Good Against the Coronavirus

So President Trump stayed that he takes hydroxychloroquine to protect himself against the coronavirus.

Unfortunately there is scientific evidence indicates that hydroxychloroquine does not work against the coronavirus. One nationwide study reported that more coronavirus patients died after taking hydroxychloroquine than if they had not taken it.

It is a medicine for malaria, lupus and arthritis. Not the coronavirus. It is dangerous that some people are fixated on a medicine that actually might make it more likely for you to die from the coronavirus. We need to follow proper hygiene procedures and listen to medical professionals instead of following a wild goose chase.


  1. "Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience. They may be more likely to go to Heaven yet at the same time likelier to make a Hell of earth. This very kindness stings with intolerable insult. To be “cured” against one’s will and cured of states which we may not regard as disease is to be put on a level of those who have not yet reached the age of reason or those who never will; to be classed with infants, imbeciles, and domestic animals."

    – C.S. Lewis

  2. Great quote by Lewis. I love it.

    In the meantime.
    The disadvantages of hydroxychlo, like depression, irrate behavior, heartfailure etc should be weighed against having active MALARIA.

    These disadvantages may not weigh up to the not proven perceived advantages as a medicine to prevent Covid.

    But hey, it's a free country and Trump may have been suffering of similarities to Hydro side effects for over 25 years. So we wouldn't notice the difference.

    VP Pence might have endorsed this product to Trump to further his career or stage a coup for the alternative narrative folk.


  3. Error. Incorrect information. The information presented here is not current and is in direct conflict with the NIH. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7196187/

    The current study has not been completed.
    Use ctrl + f key and type in Hydroxychloroquine to find all instances of the term.

  4. Its a free country.

    I'll take the advise of the authorities of the nations with the least deaths per million. And you might research other sources.

    Based on the more succesfull nations I would urge people with heart problems (aging people) to not take Hydro as a preventive medicine.

    Actually it is nuts to do that.
    The President of the United States is nuts by the medical standards of many nations.

    We will have answers in 5 months.
    Then I will humbly bow down to the American freedom fighters and medical profession who once again might have been proven right and the rest of the world wrong. Until that time...........good hunting on the beaches of Normandy.


  5. "Based on the more succesfull nations I would urge people with heart problems (aging people) to not take Hydro as a preventive medicine."

    Non-sensible statement. You never studies the link above.

  6. I did.

    The study suggests President Trump is nuts for talking about Hydro as a PREVENTIVE medicine in this stage.


  7. BTW
    Opinionated I am not infringing on your rights as an individual.

    My comments are directed at "The Trumpet" touting Trump as a) the greatest US president in history and b)Potus wrongfully touting Hydro as a medicine against the advise of people who have in the medical profession for over 40 sometimes 60 years and studies that have not proven him right (yet)


  8. "The Trumpet" as you know is a cult recruit magazine. Not to be taken seriously.

  9. Then you did not read this>
    Hydroxychloroquine is recommended for high-risk COVID-19 cases

    1. I think this sentence refers to people who are diagnosed already with COVID and are in a very bad state.

      I speak about (against) PREVENTIVE use since the side effects can be pretty harmful.

      But as I said. Each person should make that assessment for themselves.

      Even then the advice suggests high risk for cardiac patients.


  10. I only took cats on medicine seriously when my sister was pregnant and there was talk of taxoplasmosis in the hood.

    I'm usually not more than 2 days in a row in malaria affected areas. So I do not take the pills for the side effects do not weigh up to the benefits.

    In Kenya I was concerned about the purple flags in the camp to attract Dengue flies away from us. The fact is the camp had no fence to keep the roaring lions out.

    So. Now you know where I stand on risk assessment.


  11. I have changed my opinion.

    I regard Prez Trumps selfless act to function as scientific Guinea pig for a dubious medical experiment on behalf of the American people as the highest form of sacrifice and leadership.

    Let's hand out a purple heart. (whoops purple HEART........ get the joke)


    PS: perhaps he might volunteer for the "injecting" experiment later.
    Unfortunately one has to contract covid first to be able to participate.

  12. Key word> high-risk

    Otherwise at risk.

  13. Hydroxychloroquine should NOT be used to treat Covid-19:

  14. Hydroxychloroquine is a preventive.

    Clinical trials not completed.

  15. I might add, the WP article says this>

    The study, published Friday in the medical journal the Lancet, is the largest analysis to date of the risks and benefits of treating covid-19 patients with antimalarial drugs. It is based on a retrospective analysis of medical records, NOT a CONTROLLED STUDY in which patients are divided randomly into treatment groups — a method considered the GOLD STANDARD OF MEDICINE. But the sheer size of the study was convincing to SOME scientists. <

    Very misleading of you Miller. What is your agenda?

  16. Opinionated, the articles which I cited represent the most up-to-date information available on Trump's drug. I hope that folks will read the articles and draw their own conclusions about the risk/benefit profile of this drug relative to Covid-19. To me, the numbers suggest that more people with Covid-19 die when they're treated with this drug. And, finally, what is your agenda? I can't imagine why anyone would continue to push something that doctors and scientists continue to caution against using in this circumstance.

  17. Hahah,

    I was checking this topic, since I wanted to know if my preventive friend was still alive.

    Suddenly all my social media accounts start warning against Hydro by citing the Lancet article. It's a hot topic.


  18. >And, finally, what is your agenda? I can't imagine why anyone would continue to push something that doctors and scientists continue to caution against using in this circumstance.<

    To open mind of the audience that everything they hear is not necessarily the truth but politicized medicine.

    Your WP article is deceptive as it uses assumptions over the GOLD STANDARD of medicine. It is this standard which is pure science and not speculation. It has little worth.

    Time will tell, but former studies at the NIH link above showed that taking the drug proved worthy as a preventive as to the corona virus.

    When you have so much information that conflicts, look at the players. Propaganda is at work for political reasons.

  19. Social media feeds the machine developed by Edward Bernays.


    Eurosurveillance is published by the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), Stockholm, Sweden

  20. I would agree that people should not twist or change Potus medical advice but be exact in their reporting.



  21. "Lancet Study That Caused WHO To Drop Hydroxychloroquine Trials Falls Under Scrutiny"


    Told ya.

  22. Opinionated.

    I feel that we both agree that IF hydro proves to be of value in the future, the medicine will be brought to market under an entirely different name.


  23. "Lancet Issues Major Disclaimer On Anti-HCQ Study, As Manufactured Disinformation Foments Hysterics"


    Publishing something to prove your point before more research is folly. Shame on the webmaster.
