Monday, August 31, 2020

PCG Failing to Predict Covid-19's Impact on America: Overview of the April 2020 Issue of PCG's Philadelphia Trumpet

Around the end of February 2020 PCG released the April 2020 issue of their recruitment magazine, The Philadelphia Trumpet. Even though PCG and other Armstrongites insist that they know the future this issue reveals that they were just as surprised and blindsided by the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic as everyone else.

The editors for this issue are Gerald Flurry, Stephen Flurry, Joel Hilliker, Brad Macdonald, Richard Palmer, Jeremiah Jacques, Dennis Leap and Philip Nice.

This issue had a circulation of 246,354 issues.

Gerald Flurry has an article discusses the latest settlement the Trump Administration was trying to impose upon the State of Israel and the Palestinians even though the Palestinians made it clear they would not accept it. The article is accompanied with a picture of Palestinian protesters, both with faces covered and one with a sling and a skull face covering. Odds are those persons protesting against Israeli soldiers armed with guns. The Palestinians in the West Bank has always have been clear that they did not want to ruled by the State of Israel. Israeli rule was imposed upon the West Bank in 1967 without their invitation.

Richard Palmer has an article insisting that Germany in 2020 (before the coronavirus) is behaving awfully like Germany shortly before the Nazis gained power in yet another article scare mongering about Germany. Little did the PCG leadership know that catastrophe was about hit America.

Gerald Flurry also has an article denouncing the "dangerous left-wing media" once again showing with his actions that PCG leans very much to the right in regards to political stances. I do not condemn PCG for choosing to be right wing but it is worth mentioning that they are since sometimes they like to pretend they are not right wing even though they clearly are. 

Gerald Flurry also has an article insisting that the Covid-19 epidemic in China (that is how the situation was viewed back in late February 2020) is predicted in PCG's interpretations of Bible prophecy. He fearfully states that other plagues are in PCG's interpretation of Bible prophecy as well. The article contains illustrations of Chinese people dealing with the epidemic. The PCG leadership clearly had no idea that the Covid-19 was just a few weeks away from doing so much damage to the United States. Back in late February 2020 they still thought of it as a problem in China.

Jeremiah Jacques has a side article speculating that the Covid-19 epidemic in China will make Russia more powerful than China. Little did the PCG leadership just a few months later the people of Wuhan, the city where Covid-19 gained attention, would hold a massive water pool party after reopening their economy safely. This is yet another false prophecy of PCG.

Jeremiah Jacques also has an article retelling the making of the Hubble Space Telescope in order to promote PCG's heretical doctrine that PCG destined to become God beings ruling over the entire universe. 

The Infographic is about what the Hubble Space Telescope has revealed.

Richard Palmer has an article insisting that Brexit, the United Kingdom's withdrawal from the European Union, was prophesied in (PCG's interpretation of) Bible prophecy.

Jeremiah Jacques also has an article about various failed predictions that certain political pundits have made over the years. And yet PCG members are still expected to take the PCG leadership's predictions seriously despite their many failed prophecies.

Andrew Müller has an article scare mongering about certain leftists and calling them Communists even though the actual Communist Party USA is now utterly insignificant. This is red baiting. Müller cites a surreptitious recording produced by Project Veritas which was made without the interview subject's knowledge. So if that happens to the PCG leadership he has no right to complain about that without looking like a hypocrite. We need to be careful about how we treat other people. Also this article proves once again that the PCG leadership is right wing.

WorldWatch discusses India's military build up; scare mongers about Iran's research into nuclear weaponry before Supreme Leader Khamenei's fatwa against nuclear weapons in 2003; Putin's changes to the Russian Constitution which would let him be president longer which were later passed; China becoming second largest exporter of armaments; swarms of locusts in Kenya and Ethiopia; increased military spending in Europe which is credited to PCG's adored President Trump; more spending by the US federal government (before the coronavirus); right wing extremists in the German army; European attempts to influence events in the Middle East; and the launch of the European Maritime Surveillance Mission in the Persian Gulf.

SocietyWatch discusses the impeachment of President Trump which according to PCG's writers had "deeply damaged America" even though impeachment is allowed within the Constitution; a claim that British police were ignoring sexual abuse among ethnic Pakistanis in Britain; and Time Magazine naming environmental activist Greta Thunberg as person of the year.    

Stephen Flurry has an article calling upon people to study history like Winston Churchill did. PCG adores Winston Churchill not least because he was right wing while America had a left wing president back in those troubled days.

Joel Hilliker has an article moaning about Speaker Pelosi ripping up her copy of President Trump's state of the union address in public. It is strange to see the PCG leadership responding to a superficial act that changes no laws.

And so we see the PCG leadership had made yet another issue of their recruitment magazine seeking more tithes paying converts. It is also strange to see how unprepared they were to imagine that this coronavirus would have such a terrible effect in America and throughout the world.

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