Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Allegation of Sexual Harassment at LCG HQ (Banned by HWA)

Banned by HWA has made a post qouting a person making public an allegation of sexual harassment within LCG headquarters. Considering how many times clergy abuse have occurred in other organizations that claim to be religious I am not surprised to hear of such an allegation. 

Sexual harassment is a terrible crime. If these allegations are true such things are further evidence that indicates that being a member of LCG is not a good idea.

May all those who committed such criminal misconduct face the courts of justice.

1 comment:

  1. It is so tragic to watch. In Armstrongism offshoots, the qualifications of ministers and deacons is based on loyalty to HQ, whereas Paul clearly listed the qualifications for ministers and deacons in 1. Timothy 3...
