Sunday, June 10, 2018

Many American Sailors were Abducted by the British Navy in the Early 1800s

HWA insisted over and over again for decades that when the northern kingdom of Israel fell to the Assyrians in around 721-18 BC this was the beginning of a period of 2,520 years during which the people of Israel would be denied their birthright by (HWA's) God, namely the possession of vast material wealth and land. HWA insistently proclaimed that this 2,520 year period ended around 1800 and from this point onward Great Britain and the United States of America began to the accumulate vast tracts of land and fabulous wealth in order to fulfill (HWA's) God's promise to Abraham. This was part of his spin on the nonsensical idea of British Israelism.

And yet it escaped HWA's notice that back in 1800 relations between the United States and Great Britain were far from ideal or brotherly. In the early years of the 19th Century the British navy abducted many American sailors and forced them to fight in the war against Napoleonic France. The following in related in John F. Kennedy's Pulitzer Prize winning book, Profiles in Courage. Which was written with the assistance of Ted Sorenson.
As our relations with Great Britain worsened, our ships were seized, our cargoes were confiscated, and our seamen were "impressed" by British cruisers and compelled to serve--as alleged British subjects--in the King's navy. Thousands of American seamen were taken on a organized basis, ships were lost at sea for want of men, and even though able to "prove" American citizenship were frequently refused permission to return. (John F. Kennedy, Profiles in Courage, Chapter 2.)
Later the Leopard, a British war ship, fired on the Chesapeake killing and injuring several Americans. In response to these provocations America retaliated by imposing an economic blockade on Britain. These tensions would later explode giving birth to the War of 1812. At one point the forces of the British Empire burnt down the White House. What terrible days those must have been. The White House burnt to the ground because the nation dared to tell Britain to leave their sea faring citizens in peace.

These events are highlighted to note that this tensions occurred precisely at the moment HWA insisted that (HWA's) God began to withdraw the withholding of national blessings promised to Abraham. This occurred precisely at the time that things were supposed to get better for America and Britain.

Clearly HWA had a very poor grasp of history. But, alas, thousands continue to promote HWA as a great man of God but he was only a false prophet.


  1. When visiting this blog I enjoy the book reviews and your take on history.

    Unfortunately after reading your last expose a BI theorist could make the point that first the French had to be convinced to conclude the "Lousiana purchase" so that the USA could go forward on its Manifest Destiny (or at least the Destiny Thomas Jefferson foresaw in sending expeditions West.

    Only after the British stopped investing in troops and concluded that "the City of London Corporation" would do better to colonize the USA through monetary investments and human capital (USA as the most succesful start up ever financed by the european financial centers) , the British Empire could grow through that other succesful company The British East India Company.

    The USA so far is making a good return on investment. Although at times there are difficulties with management, like today. It will be sorted out.


  2. Some Canadian blogger once boasted that they burned down the White House - and from what I heard, so did Mark Armstrong's preferred president. But the culprits were British, although they may have been from the Canadian colonies...

  3. The canadians were militia from the colonies.

    The british regiments involved.

    4th of Foot (Lancasters)

    21st Of Foot (North British - later Royal Scots Fusiliers)

    44th of Foot (East Sussex - later Essex)

    85th Of Foot (Bucks - later KOSLI)

    Royal Marines

    A shame the British abandoned their native tribal allies after the stalemate and left them to e shredded by the western expansionists.

    It may be interesting for BB to research how many Germans of Hessian/Hannoverian auxiliary were involved with the British "invasion'. :-)

    Since HWA was right on " everything" (regarding US collective consciousness and fears) of course that "German invasion" had already taken place in the US collective consciousness only to be reawakened at the Zimmer telegram fears just before WWI a hundred years later.


    1. We studied the Hessians in American History in junior high school. England hiring them was controversial from day 1. The Continental Army defeated them. Many were killed in battle. A sizeable number of the Hessians joined the very large German community of colonists, and remained in the USA after the war. The rest returned to Germany. They were hired mercenaries whom the Brits had to use, because the British Army was both small and ineffective. By this point in time, the colonists had learned new techniques of warfare from Native Americans, and no longer adhered to the line of soldiers by line of soldiers style, which is what the British considered to be the honorable way to conduct ground warfare.


    2. When Henry Ford sued someone for calling him ignorant, he was asked a question about how many Hessians the British brought over to fight. He said he didn't know, only that they brought over a lot more than went back.

  4. I did love the "Who do you think you are episode" with Rachel McAdams. Perhaps still available on youtube or elsewhere. It talked about what constituted an American, a Canadian, a British subject or a Brit at the time.

    The one with Helen Hunt had some footage on Pasadena jewish life in the early 19th century just blocks from the campus.


  5. NCk, We would appreciate keeping your mouth shut unless you can say something intelligent. Ok?

  6. Your appreciation qualification is noted. This means I can let the comments stand. Feel free to ask if you do not understand right away.

