Saturday, September 5, 2020

PCG Condemning Protesters: Overview of the August 2020 Issue of PCG's Trumpet

In late June 2020 the PCG leadership released the August 2020 issue of their recruitment magazine, The Philadelphia Trumpet. 

PCG has a long and shameful history of scare mongering that the African American community will launch a wave of riots shortly before Christ returns. PCG tends to label such imagined future riots as "race riots" or "race wars." Much can be said about what happened after the killing of George Floyd on May 25, 2020 but nevertheless these events are not a sign that PCG's false prophecies are about to occur. People of all ethnicities and religions have participated in these protests. Also PCG have made many false prophecies since their founding in 1989 therefore it is clear that they do not know what will happen in the future. There is no need to fear their dire predictions of the future. We can be rest assured that PCG's predictions will fail.

The editors for this issue are Gerald Flurry, Stephen Flurry, Joel Hilliker, Brad Macdonald, Richard Palmer, Jeremiah Jacques, Dennis Leap and Philip Nice.

This issue had a circulation of 246,051 issues.

Gerald Flurry has an article insisting that the events he simplistically refer to as "race riots" are prophesied within the Bible. In fact many peoples of all ethnicities and religions have participated in these Black Lives Matter protests. Furthermore Flurry's claim that these events are predicted by the Bible is based on the assumption that white Americans are descendants of the so-called "lost ten tribes" of Israel. This dogma is often known as British-Israelism and it is false. It matters not how fervently its proponents promote this dogma it is still false and therefore any conclusion arising from this assumption is false as well.

Here is Flurry denouncing "the Floyd family's lawyer," Ben Crump, as promoting "satanic and racist" lies.
Ben Crump, who became the Floyd family’s lawyer, wrote an op-ed for the Washington Post about Floyd’s death saying that all these incidents are starting to feel like “genocide.” He wrote a book last year called Open Season: The Legalized Genocide of Colored People. Genocide is the DELIBERATE EXTERMINATION OF A PEOPLE! Is that happening in America? Do you see white people trying to put black people to death?

In all of last year, police killed 28 unarmed black people, according to (Some news agencies have reported that number as being only nine, but that only counts unarmed blacks shot by on-duty officers.) In nearly all of these cases, the people were fighting against the police in ways that got them killed. That is unfortunate, and policemen do make mistakes, but it is hardly deliberate extermination! How can a lawyer call that GENOCIDE? He KNOWS that is a lie. If that isn’t satanic and racist, I don’t know what racism is! (p. 2.)

Here is Flurry insisting that Al Sharpton speaks "words [that are] are right out of the mind of the devil."
Mr. Sharpton says he wants peace, but at every opportunity, he tries to draw attention to evil deeds by the police, but in most of those cases the police were exonerated, and I think rightfully so. Will those kinds of statements bring peace? HE IS ALWAYS TRYING TO DIVIDE THE RACES AND MAKE WAR! Al Sharpton tries to look like a lamb, but he speaks like a dragon! His words are right out of the mind of the devil! (p. 2.)
Stephen Flurry has an article shrilly denouncing the Black Lives Matter protest movement. He gives little indication of understanding this protest movement. There is also little acknowledgment that the Covid-19 pandemic has exacerbated this situation since many people who were employed have now lost their sources of income in this ongoing crisis. Whereas before many people who sympathized with previous protests against police brutality were busy going to work now many are unable to work and view participating in the protest movement as a worthwhile endeavor.

Here is Stephen Flurry talking about Jacob Frey, the mayor of Minneapolis, and referring to him as a "miserable man." 
Mayor Frey took a knee in front of George Floyd’s casket at the funeral, buried his face in his hand, and sobbed for more than a minute. He later appeared at a Black Lives Matter rally in Minneapolis and confessed to the crowd through a face mask over the public address system that he, as a white man, was “coming to grips with my own brokenness.” He then lashed out at the Minneapolis Police Department, saying the “systemic and racist system needs to be revamped.” This miserable man made extraordinary efforts to exhibit his solidarity with BLM. (pp. 5-6.)
Mayor Frey happens to be Jewish. PCG often present themselves as friendly to the Jewish community and yet they would still speak of a Jewish man with such contempt.

Here is Stephen Flurry simplistically presenting attempts at dialog with protesters as doomed to failure.
Brokenness is the right word. In fact, it well describes the status of any kind of resistance or pushback by the authorities in this country against this aggressive, clamorous, extremist movement. Instead it is full-scale retreat, evacuate, capitulate and appease. And brokenness is also what this movement is leaving in its wake when anyone even hints at anything different. (p. 6.)
Here is Stephen Flurry insisting that dialog is impossible and pointless. He seems bizarrely uninterested in what activists against police brutality have to say about things. He also implies that the police officer who knelt on George Floyd's neck was inspired by a demon.
On top of that, no matter HOW MANY of these policies are enacted, their advocates will never absolve and forgive America for the sin of racism. Having become convinced this nation is institutionally, systemically racist, they will ALWAYS be able to unearth evidence that, in their minds, proves this beyond doubt. Never will America—or any nation on Earth—meet the illusory standard of racial and social justice these radicals harbor in their minds. Even if the nation “progressed” to the point of ENFORCED EQUALITY on all educational, financial and occupational outcomes for all races, it would only take one person in a bustling, messy nation of 330 million to do something heinous to a black man—and the fury would erupt just as violently as it is now, and worse. See? It keeps happening! Four hundred years of this! We can’t breathe!

That was all it took in Minneapolis: one person, who may well have been influenced by a demon to commit that evil act—and the ugliest of racial hatreds instantly reignited nationwide. Police killing 28 unarmed people out of 44 million black Americans feels like GENOCIDE. What evidence could change the mind of someone who believes that? (pp. 6, 32.)
Unfortunately believing that all will be solved only after Christ return discourages attempts to solve problems today.

Joel Hilliker has an article describing the death of George Floyd as a "self inflicted race wound," whatever that clunky phrase is supposed to mean. 

Gerald Flurry has an article complaining that mainstream accounts of history do not promote his religious views. In this article he often quotes Herman Hoeh, a man who in his later years chose to side with the Tkach changes and remained in good standing with Tkach's WCG until he died. It should be noted that people who are not employed by PCG are under no obligation to do what the PCG leadership tells them to do.

Richard Palmer has an article complaining that historical accounts of World War II do not mention that many people in the Allied nations prayed. However PCG elsewhere teaches that all Christians churches are false except PCG. So, according to this view, all Christians who worshiped on Sunday and adhered to any Christian church without being aligned with Herbert Armstrong during those terrible days were merely false Christians. Of course, this is absurd and offensive but this disturbing implication of Armstrongite dogma is often ignored within the COGs.

Gerald Flurry has an article discussing the current state of negative relations between the United States and China. He implies that Covid-19 originated from a Chinese laboratory. That laboratory denies there was any such leak of hazardous materials. One could argue that such a denial cannot be trusted but even if one chose not to trust this denial readers would deserve to be informed of this denial. Furthermore it is much more likely this disease simply migrated from animals into humans by chance since that happens all the time. He also complains about China pursuing its territorial claims in the South China Sea.

Here is Flurry saying China and other nations are enemies of the United States. Who are these other nations? Apparently according to Flurry this includes the European Union and Mexico according to Flurry. (Please note: In the paragraph below "Israel" inaccurately refers to America and Britain.)
Notice: These gates would have otherwise belonged to Israel’s “enemies.” And who controls many of these gates today? Either directly or indirectly, IT IS CHINA! Israel’s enemies are trying to get control of these sea gates because they hate the nations of Israel! Whether we realize it or not, China and many other nations are our enemies! ...

China isn’t the only “enemy” making moves against America. The German-led European Union signed a trade deal with Mexico on April 20. We can see the beginnings of a trade war in which America will be besieged in all its sea gates.... (pp. 16-17.)

Does Flurry think Mexico is an enemy of the United States? His words above would indicate that is the case.

Jeremiah Jacques has a side article denouncing the Law of the People's Republic of China on Safeguarding National Security in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region being implemented in Hong Kong since it went into effect on June 30, 2020.

The Infographic denounces what it calls the "myth of black genocide."

Joel Hilliker has an article bad mouthing "socialists." Even during this supreme crisis people are still perfectly capable of proposing how to reform society to make it better. But PCG's 1% are inclined to see a repeat of Leninist Communism awaiting attempts to reform society.
The ideas are always couched in altruistic language—“opportunity,” “safety net,” “social protection,” “sustainable and inclusive growth”—but they promote a fundamental idea that has impoverished, enslaved and even killed hundreds of millions of people throughout history, particularly over the last century. (pp. 21-22.)
The PCG leadership is firmly aligned with the Republican Party. I do not condemn PCG for choosing to be right wing but it is worth mentioning that they are right wing since sometimes they present themselves as though they are not.

Brent Nagtegaal has an article denouncing the Israeli Supreme Court for inconveniencing Prime Minister Netanyahu. Nagtegaal indulges in name calling by choosing to label the Israeli Supreme Court as "rogue." The PCG leadership adores Prime Minister Netanyahu since he is a right winger. In fact they adore Prime Minister Netanyahu so much that once Gerald Flurry criticized Pope Francis after the Pope correctly pointed out to Netanyahu that Jesus spoke Aramaic as a vernacular language and not Hebrew as Netanyahu incorrectly stated. PCG boasts that they understand Christ better than anyone else and yet their leader does not appear to know what language Jesus spoke.

Gerald Flurry has an article promoting his dogmatic views about what a "true" church should be like. PCG teaches that PCG is the only true church in all the world. Everyone outside of PCG who calls him or herself a Christians are false heretics who do not the favor of PCG's God. That is the absurd and offensive implication of such a teaching.

WorldWatch discusses a report discussing how priests of the Roman Catholic Church supported the Nazi regime during World War II; the European Union setting up a fund to prop up the EU during the ongoing Covid-19 crisis; an increase of far right extremist hate crimes in Germany in 2019; Germany's arms exports; the ongoing Libyan Civil War; Israeli air strikes in Syria; Germany banning Hezbollah; increased trade via trains between the EU and China; the US removing bombers from Guam; negotiations between the EU and Mexico for a new trade deal; Russia adding ships to its Baltic fleet; and the Banque du France testing some sort of block chain based digital currency.

SocietyWatch discusses President Trump trying to get votes from Catholics; complaints about the lockdowns caused by Covid-19; and scare mongering about sex education in schools.

Joel Hilliker encouraging people to make use of their time wisely since we do not know what may happen in the future.

Richard Palmer has an article complaining that the United Kingdom "is almost a fascist state" for imposing social distancing restrictions to slow down the spread of Covid-19. He says this even though the current UK government is right wing and therefore would normally be viewed favorably by the PCG leadership.
I’m writing to you from what is almost a fascist state. The government dominates the economy. Public gatherings are banned. The entire country is under house arrest. Even Russians and Cubans can visit the park if they want. But not here—in the United Kingdom. ... Before March 23, British freedom was sacred. After March 23, it wasn’t. Before March 23, the police protected liberty. After March 23, they threaten it.
The UK government was right to be afraid of Covid-19. About 41,500 people in the United Kingdom has been killed by this terrible disease. This is the highest death toll for any nation in Europe. This death toll would have been even higher if social distancing restrictions had not been imposed.

And so we see that the PCG leadership continues to try to gain tithe paying members with their recruitment magazine with their increasingly shrill proclamations that everything will get worse until Christ returns. Unfortunately this belief means there is little incentive to improve the situation today when bold, courageous and peaceful solutions are needed more than ever. As dire as the current crises of Covid-19 and police brutality are one day these crises will be addressed and improved because people are striving to solve these pressing problem. Humanity will make a way out without having to pay a lifetime of tithes to PCG.

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