Saturday, May 15, 2010

Korean Cult Owned UPI Comment On Japanese Base

I've just been reading the latest Trumpet Weekly (May 9-15). (Note: Link will download it onto your computer.) Page 6 contains an article from United Press International (UPI) about Japan setting up a Self Defense Force base in Djibouti to guard ships from Somali pirates.

What I find interesting in this article is the fact that UPI is now owned by the Unification Church, just one of many organizations controlled by this group. Their members are often referred to as Moonies, named after their leader Sun Myung Moon. It is widely regarded as a cult. Some of their heretical beliefs are explained here.

It originates from Korea. Korea endured fifty years of Japanese occupation. No wonder UPI would comment on something like that.

1 comment:

  1. Steven Hassan also has an informative video that is free online, entitled "The Stragic Interaction Approach."

    Just type the title on the search engine in upper left-hand corner of the link you sent here, and it will take you to the free video about the characteristics of cults that Hassan has helped others to exit in the past
