Saturday, June 2, 2018

Did PCG's God Curse California?

For many years now PCG's leaders have insisted that their bizarre version of the Christian has somehow cursed California for being the site of the headquarters of Tkach's WCG.

But is that true? Is there evidence to either prove or disprove this claim?
Franklin [Graham] has come to California to pierce the "blue wall," because he says our state is in trouble. Our beautiful state, with its beautiful surplus in the Treasury, more money to schools and with roads being repaired, is something Franklin sees as being "in trouble." Our economy has surpassed the UK's, making us the 5th largest economy in the world. (Karoli Kuns, Crooks and Liars, May 31, 2018.)
PCG's God sure has a strange way of cursing California. Today California alone has a larger economy than all of Britain. California is the fifth largest economy in the world.

Once again PCG's 1% are proven to be in error yet again.

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