Saturday, October 17, 2020

Mark Armstrong Complaining About California's Lockdown

Here's Mark Armstrong, leader of the Intercontinental Church of God, in his October 16, 2020 weekly update stating that his Armstrongite splinter group has observed their idiosyncratic version of the Feast of Tabernacles.

He also appears to imply that lockdown orders in the State of California were ignored.

The good news is that we observed the Feast of Tabernacles at all planned locations, save California, which apparently is still in “lockdown,” per the all-knowing governor's orders. Services were still held on the Holy Days at an undisclosed location. Not many churches are claiming Constitutional protection, thinking it safer to cooperate with the local “authorities,” lest preachers be hauled away in handcuffs. We don't want to sue or see anyone arrested, but we will obey the mandates from on High long before some governor, drunk on his own “authority.” These vain dictators never wielded this kind of power before, but they're clearly enjoying telling everyone what they can and can't do. Constitution? What Constitution!

Did Mark Armstrong just admit to breaking the law? We should follow the law including lockdown restrictions. If he and his followers did not break the law then he should not imply otherwise.


  1. Mark Armstrong is even less astute than his father and grandfather (if that's possible). Some thoughts about the proper Christian response to Covid:

  2. When Herbert W. Armstrong recognized that the American (so called spanish) flu, killed many people he immediately moved his family out of the city of chicago. He moved.

    Visiting the city he saw many people wearing cloth to prevent from inhaling the virus. HWA did not ridicule that practice. He was from quaker stock, therefore from "practical american common sense" stock.

    Yes he was also a believer but not stupid regarding pandemics as was his generation who did hardly know modern medicine and used Cocaine Kola leaf drinks as modern inventions next to quick sda invented kellogg breakfasts and heinz catch up to remove the stench of rotten meat for dinner, if one could afford meat.



  3. Plenty to disagree with Mark on and the self-righteous sound to his declaration of observing the FOT, but as Americans we must break over broad rules/laws at times. We are a country based in liberty. While I don't extend much if any respect toward Mark in this instance, little brushfires for liberty against the law do help maintain our rights. Liberty before law; law tempered by liberty.
