Wednesday, December 29, 2021

PCG Using Vicious Rhetoric Against Barack Obama

PCG has long vilified Barack Obama. In 2013 Gerald Flurry called him "another Antiochus," comparing him to Antiochus Epiphanes and Joseph Tkach, Jr. PCG continued this theme on November 2, 2021 when PCG posted an article by Stephen Flurry in which he wrote the following about Barack Obama.

On October 23, Obama was campaigning in Virginia for Democrat Gov. Terry McAuliffe. Criticizing the opposing nominee and conservatives in general, he said, “We don’t have time to be wasting on these phony, trumped-up culture wars, this fake outrage that right-wing media pedals to juice their ratings—and the fact that he’s willing to go along with it? Instead of talking about serious problems that actually affect serious people? That’s a shame. That’s not what this election is about.”
And then Stephen Flurry discusses a tragic case of sexual abuse currently going through the justice system which has been used by the political right to attack transgender friendly policies. Unfortunately PCG has a long history of condemning transgender people.

While recounting this case Stephen Flurry names the victim's father. Many media reports about this case refrained from naming him to protect the victim's identity. And yet Stephen Flurry and the PCG leadership chose otherwise. Consequently I will refrain from linking to the article. 

Stephen Flurry then says:
Barack Obama, leader of radicals who have elevated grievance and complaining to a bizarre art form, says that if you are upset about this, your outrage is “phony.” He is not a normal person. He is a heartless monster.
Stephen Flurry is alluding to a statement by  Fox News' Tucker Carlson. He stated the following at the start of the article.
Fox News commentator Tucker Carlson recently condemned him as a “heartless monster.” Carlson is more right than he realizes.
Vicious, bitter rhetoric such as this reveals more about the PCG leadership than anything they were trying to say in this article.

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