Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Press TV's Promotion of 9/11 Conspiracy Theories

Back in 2007 Iran, in an attempt to present their point of view to the English speaking world, established Press TV, an English language TV news channel.

Being influenced by Iran's perspective it has some peculiar features. It stridently portrays the Assad regime in a positive light when discussing the Syrian Civil War.

One peculiarity of Press TV is that it constantly insinuates that the 9/11 terrorist attacks were perpetuated by the US government or the government of Israel. Most often they get Americans to present these bizarre claims.

It is well established that Al Qaeda, headed by Osama bin Laden, committed those terrorist attacks. It is right and proper to condemn and refute misinformation which inaccurately claim otherwise. For anyone wishing to know what really happened leading up to the 9/11 terrorist attacks I suggest The Looming Tower by Lawrence Wright (2007).

It is one thing to say that certain American officials and intelligence personnel failed to notice relevant information. But that does not mean the US government plotted it.

It is one thing to say that certain politicians used the 9/11 attacks to persuade people to accept policies that would have been rejected without 9/11's occurrence. But that does not mean that those people conspired to commit 9/11.

I am not linking to these articles. I have no wish to send traffic to 9/11 conspiracy theories. I have taken the liberty of adding links to articles rebutting various 9/11 conspiracy theories.

I am also not mentioning any promoters of 9/11 conspiracy theories by name in this post.

Without further ado here is what Press TV have been saying about 9/11.

Another Israeli who visibly could not contain his joy at the success of 9/11's “Operation Esther” was Benjamin Netanyahu. When the once and future Israeli Prime Minister was asked about his reaction to 9/11, he said: “It's very good!” Then, catching himself, he added that while it wasn't exactly good, it was certainly good for Israel."
For more than eleven years, Israel has been wildly celebrating the success of its 9/11 operation against the United States of America. The latest example: Israeli children recently dressed up as the burning Twin Towers, complete with impaled exploding airplanes, to celebrate ... Purim. (Israel celebrates successful 9/11 operation on Purim holiday, March 2, 2013. Now deleted from their website.)


In fact, the entire AIPAC apparatus, the largest lobbying organization in Washington, is currently engaged in a “full court press,” to stop congress from pushing for the release of the real report. Is this because the real report accuses Israel, not Saudi Arabia.... (‘Mossad, Bush planned, executed 9/11’, December 25, 2013. Now deleted from their website.)


The American analyst pointed to attempts by the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), the powerful Israeli lobby in the US, to suppress the pieces of information in the report, which reportedly identified involvement by the Israeli intelligence in planning and carrying out the 9/11 attacks. (Israel suppressing report on 9/11 role: Intelligence analyst, December 25, 2013.)


The evidence presented herein is by no means comprehensive. It is but a small fraction of the available evidence showcasing direct Israeli participation, if not orchestration, of 9/11 to bring about a “war of civilizations” between the West and Islamic world. (Israeli militarism predicated on 9/11 deception, January 26, 2015.)


Watching the twin towers and WTC 7 come down, it was obvious to me that the buildings were not falling down as a result of structural damage. When it became clear that the White House had blocked an independent investigation of the only three steel skyscrapers in world history to collapse as a result of low temperature office fires, it was apparent that there was a cover-up. ...
Over these 13 years, physicists, chemists, architects, engineers, and first responders have provided massive evidence that completely disproves the official account of the failure of the three skyscrapers. The response to experts has been for non-experts to call experts “conspiracy theorists.” In other words, the defenders of the government’s story have no scientific or factual basis on which to stand. So they substitute name-calling. (9/11, anthrax attacks, and beyond, October 14, 2014. Now deleted from their website.)


[One person's (who was not promoting 9/11 conspiracy theories)] remarks add further impetus to the accelerating campaign, led by the 9/11 family members, to declassify the top secret 28 pages of the 2002 Joint Congressional Inquiry into 9/11. Those pages, according to numerous Congressional Representatives and Senators who have read them, completely overturn the official account and show that "one or more governments" were behind the 9/11 attacks. The governments in question appear to have been Saudi Arabia and Israel, not Iraq or Afghanistan, raising questions about the real motive of the 9/11 wars. ...
The Saudi government ... has even called for the top secret 28 pages to be declassified so it can defend itself. So far, Obama has refused to declassify the 28 pages – which were sealed by then-President George W. Bush – and Congress has not yet voted to force the issue. So it is not the Saudi government but the American government that is covering up the truth. Why would the US government want to hide the truth about the worst catastrophe in its history?
The probable answer is that 9/11 was carried out not only with the help of the Saudi and Israeli governments, but corrupt, treasonous members of the US government as well. Declassifying the 28 pages would reveal that 9/11 was a government-sponsored deception, not an independent "al-Qaeda" operation. This would force the kind of new 9/11 investigation that [one person] advocates. And such an investigation might lead to some very uncomfortable places. (‘US legitimacy waning over 9/11 hoax’, November 22, 2014. Now deleted from their website.)


[An individual] says at last the matter has started to unravel and the Saudi involvement in September 11 attacks is just one of its many elements. He maintains that the American account of the attacks is a lie that shows how Washington’s foreign policy and the American media are controlled by Israel.
The analyst slams Saudi, Israeli and American intelligence agencies for conspiring to murder three thousand people by orchestrating the attack on the Twin Towers, as a direct consequence of which hundreds of thousands of more lives were lost in various conflicts around the world. ([Individual]: More secrets on 9/11 to be spilled as story unravels, April 14, 2015.)


“The fact of the matter is that Osama bin Laden died on December 15, 2001 in Afghanistan. He was buried in an unmarked grave there in accordance with Muslim traditions, with local obituaries,” he added. ...
“What Obama was doing was attempting to wipe questions about his birth certificate off the front page, and trying to justifying” several of his other actions, [the individual] stated.
“The whole thing was an elaborate charade. It worked as a political theater, as a public relations stunt, by allowing him to proclaim that he had taken out the most wanted man in the world,” he emphasized.
“But the fact of the matter is that Osama bin Laden had nothing to do with the 9/11.  He in fact died ten years earlier. So what we were receiving from the press were simply reports about the second death of Osama bin Laden,” he underlined. (Bin Laden died in Afghanistan in 2001, not in 2011 in Pakistan: American scholar, May 13, 2015.)


An American scholar in Wisconsin says the release of US intelligence documents - assuming they are authentic - shows that Osama bin Laden was also interested in knowing the truth about the September 11, 2001 attacks, despite the fact that the al-Qaeda leader was blamed by the US for orchestrating the attacks. ...
“The government tells us that Bin Laden owned a shelf of 9/11 truth books, and other so-called conspiracy literature, alongside analyses by scholars like Noam Chomsky and Michael Scheuer. Both of whom are unwilling to fully address the inside job coup d'etat of September 11, 2001, but who are critical of US foreign policy in other respects,” he said. (Bin Laden wanted to know truth about 9/11: US scholar, May 20, 2015.)


In the last days of his life, Osama bin Laden realized that the September 11, 2001 attacks in the United States were an inside job, and were not carried out by al-Qaeda militants, according to newly released US intelligence documents. ...
Independent analysts, dubbed by the mainstream US media as conspiracy theorists, have always maintained that the September 11, 2001 attacks have been covered-up by the FBI and senior US officials because it was the “mother of all false flag” operations. (Bin Laden believed 9/11 was inside job: US documents, May 20, 2015.)


Former US Vice President Dick Cheney was in charge of the September 11, 2001 "false flag" operation in the United States, says American scholar [name], who has extensively researched the 9/11 attacks. (Cheney was in charge of 9/11 false flag operation: American scholar, July 25, 2015.)


The growing anti-Islam rhetoric in the United States underlines the need for further research into the origin of the September 11, 2001 attacks, an American scholar and journalist in Wisconsin says. ...
[The individual is quoted saying] “This underlines the need for the very scholars, journalists and lawyers that he [another individual] wants to murder to stand up and speak the truth; that 9/11 was obviously an inside job,” Barrett added. (9/11 attacks were obviously an inside job: Scholar, August 31, 2015.)


The 9/11 anniversary may mark the deaths of many Americans, or the start of the 'war on terror' which has failed by many accounts, but it also marks one of the most significant cover-ups. US President Barack Obama is under pressure to release secret pages of a 9/11 report 'showing Saudi Arabia financed attacks'. ('9/11; a cover-up for Saudi Arabia', September 10, 2015.)


A special review commission on 9/11 has found that disagreements still persist within the FBI over whether there was a broader conspiracy in the US to carry out the 2001 attacks.
Aspects of the continuing inquiry, which is the largest in FBI history, suggests that others inside the US had advance knowledge of the operation and supported the suicide hijackers. (US marks 14th anniversary of September 11 attacks, September 11, 2015.)


[A certain individual] rules out the evidence that the US administration announced as a proof for the 9/11 attacks in New York and Washington, saying that no airplane parts were found near the Pentagon, adding other stories that have been narrated about two other airplanes, which hit the Twin Towers, are unbelievable.
He argues the only regime that benefits from the September 11 attacks is Israel, adding that the regime had some kind of strategic interests in orchestrating such attacks, because Tel Aviv has always benefited from chaos and insecurity.
The Project for the New American Century (PNAC), which should have been called the project for the new Israeli century because of its links with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, is a group in the United States that enjoys many interests in orchestrating the 9/11 terrorist attacks. (Israel behind 9/11 terrorist attacks: Pundit, September 12, 2015.)


US officials assert that the attacks were carried out by al-Qaeda terrorists but many experts have raised questions about the official account.
They believe that rogue elements within the US government orchestrated or at least encouraged the 9/11 attacks in order to accelerate the US war machine and advance the Zionist agenda.
A special review commission on 9/11 has found that disagreements still persist within the FBI over whether there was a broader conspiracy in the US to carry out the 2001 attacks. (9/11 incident one of the biggest lies told to Americans: Former CIA contractor, October 15, 2015


US officials assert that the attacks were carried out by al-Qaeda terrorists but many experts have raised questions about the official account.
They believe that rogue elements within the US government, such as former Vice President Dick Cheney, orchestrated or at least encouraged the 9/11 attacks in order to accelerate the US war machine and advance the Zionist agenda. (Trump faces backlash for blaming Bush for 9/11, October 18, 2015.)


US officials assert that the attacks were carried out by 19 al-Qaeda terrorists but many experts have raised questions about the official account.
They believe that rogue elements within the US government, such as former Vice President Dick Cheney, orchestrated or at least encouraged the 9/11 attacks in order to accelerate the US war machine and advance the Zionist agenda. (George W. Bush’s response to 9/11 was awe-inspiring: Jeb, October 27, 2015.)


The September, 11, 2001 attacks, also known as the 9/11 attacks, were a series of strikes in the US which killed nearly 3,000 people and caused about $10 billion worth of property and infrastructure damage.
US officials assert that the attacks were carried out by al-Qaeda terrorists but many experts have raised questions about the official account.
They believe that rogue elements within the US government orchestrated or at least encouraged the 9/11 attacks in order to accelerate the US war machine and advance the Zionist agenda.
A special review commission on 9/11 has found that disagreements still persist within the FBI over whether there was a broader conspiracy in the US to carry out the 2001 attacks.
Aspects of the continuing inquiry, which is the largest in FBI history, suggests that others inside the US had advance knowledge of the operation and supported the suicide hijackers. (Bush administration ignored CIA warnings about 9/11 months before: Report, November 13, 2015.)


An American writer and socio-political psychologist says that it seems the role of Noam Chomsky is to divert attention from the evidence that proves that the 9/11 attack was an inside job, and provide intellectual credibility to the narratives disseminated by the Western corporate media. ...
“Chomsky's role is to divert attention from the evidence that proves that the terrorist attacks on 9/11 were attributed to a cabal of international power brokers looking to profit from war and take over the currencies of several Middle Eastern countries and extract their resources, while bringing these countries under permanent Western control,” the commentator pointed out.
“Chomsky has stayed consistent to this formula for evaluating the rash of recent Muslim terrorist narratives. The Western mercenary proxy groups called ISIL or ISIS in the Western corporate media has taken responsibility for the Paris event which is reported to have led to the deaths of 130 people,” he continued.
“Chomsky fails to include the evidence that these terror groups are actually arms of the Western foreign policy of increasing dominance and control in the Middle East. Chomsky, in his role as intellectual scholar, brings academia into the narratives in order to lend intellectual credibility to these narratives disseminated by the Western corporate media,” the journalist underlined. (Is Chomsky complicit in covering up Western terrorism?, December 15, 2015.)


And so end the list of quotes which show that Press TV is promoting 9/11 conspiracy theories.

I will not speculate over why some people in Press TV chose to promote these outlandish ideas. But it does need to be stated that it will be harder for people to take Press TV seriously as long as this media outlet continue to promote such views. No doubt many of those who work for Press TV know better and their work is hampered with the promotion of such outlandish views.


  1. This is for you, Mr. Cognitive Dissonance: Psychologists Explain 9/11 Truth Denial:

  2. Conspiracy theories, and other theories, were a large part of a religious system warped, and ruined significant portions of our lives. Generally, belief in them clouds judgment, and causes people to make inappropriate decisions, and damaging decisions, based on their ability to provide leverage for manipulation of behavior and financial resources. It is difficult to see these theories as other than tools of enslavement, or causative factors of depression.

    I've noticed a universal truth about such theories. They are one of the devices that humans use to make themselves appear to possess a higher level of intelligence than they actually do have. This produces great arrogance and vanity, not only within themselves, but on the part of all their followers. Knowing "truth" is heady stuff, very difficult to shed. In reality, another name for this condition is paranoia.

    Many of us can say "been there, done that", but seemingly others make this illness a continuing condition of their lives, one that makes them very susceptible to continuing exploitation. They are to be pitied.


    1. I agree that conspiracy theories such as this are an artificial way to create a sense of elitism. It is unfortunate.

  3. What gets me about PressTV are not just the bizzare conspiracy theories they promote, but the way they accuse the US and Israel of being the promoters of worldwide terrorism while at the same time allowing rampant hate speech from the article commenters on their own site. Much of that hate speech is not too dissimilar from the jihadi propaganda groups like ISIS and al-Qaeda are preaching.

    For instance, here as of late, I saw a commenter on one of their articles blasting all Americans for being "agents of Zionism" and calling for the murder of all American citizens everywhere around the globe. Another commenter called this person out on being in violation of the rules of Islam which prohibit the murder of innocent people. Guess what? The PressTV admins deleted that person's reply and left the original comment alone. And this is just one of many hate-filled comments that have been popping up here as of late. Oh yeah, and another article they ran about one of SpaceX's latest achievements was denounced as "Zionist lies and propaganda about traveling into space" by a couple of commenters. Hmmmm, ok......

    I do agree with you though. If PressTV ever wants to be taken seriously as a news organization, they need to drop the conspiracy theories and start taking a good, long look at what it is they're REALLY promoting.
